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Adding Documents

Adding documents to Archivist can be done in four different ways:

1. Camera Scan (iOS / iPadOS only)

Tap the scan button located at the bottom right of the documents list view. Allow camera access when prompted. Ensure that you don't move the lens too close while scanning the first document page to avoid missing the page edges.

After capturing the page or multiple pages, tap on the thumbnail view of each page at the bottom left to adjust cropping, change color space, or rotate if needed.

Tap "save" to create the new document.

2. File / Photo Import

Press the import button at the top right of the navigation bar.

On iOS / iPadOS, choose either "file import" or "photo import." On macOS, a finder window will open, allowing you to select one or more files to import.

Archivist currently supports PDF, JPG, PNG, and TIFF file types. Image files are automatically converted to PDF pages.

When importing multiple files at once, image files are considered as pages of the same document, resulting in a single document. However, if you select multiple PDF files, a new document will be created for each file.

3. Drag and Drop (MacOS and iPadOS only)

Simply drag and drop one or more files onto the document list area in the "Documents" tab.

On macOS, you can drop the file(s) anywhere in the list. On iPadOS, make sure to drop the file(s) onto the blue scan button, for example in split view with the Files app.

Archivist follows the same logic as described in 2) when deciding whether to create one or several documents if multiple files are dropped at the same time.

Additionally, you can drop a file onto the Archivist app icon in the MacOS dock to trigger the creation of a new document.

4. Importing a file from another app (iOS / iPadOS only)

In many file handling apps, such as Apple's Files app, you can select Archivist in the system share sheet as share destination.

A small window with an activity indicator will appear. Tap "OK" once the import process is complete and the checkmark indicator is shown.

©2024 by Dominik Butz